Fire walking, an incredible experience to live in French Polynesia!
Moana Voyages - Caroline

Fire walking, an incredible experience to live in French Polynesia!

Each year in July, the high priest Raymond Teriierooiterai Graffe makes revived this impressive ancestral ceremony. Tahiti Cruise and Holiday tells you more about this rite practiced since the dawn of time in French Polynesia.



The fire walking always begins with an incantatory dance, then, the high priest walks on the stones by sweeping with sacred TI leaves. Spectators are afterwards invited to cross the blaze to purify their bodies and souls. This experience is not dangerous, you just need to follow some rules: you do not have to drink alcohol for the previous day, women having their monthly bleeding can assist to the ceremony, but they should not cross the oven and you do not return once we started walking on the furnace.

If you want to live this amazing experience, discover French Polynesia, its wonderful landscapes and its ancestral traditions, do not hesitate and contact the Moana Voyages team now!

fire walking
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